MATLAB: Is it still possible to get a free student version of MATLAB/Simulink for personal use

freelicenseMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitesimulink

My MATLAB 2017 has expired. Is it still possible to get a free student version or must it be paid for? Thanks.

Best Answer

Mathworks has never offered a free version.
There was a 4.something version of MATLAB included with an old Prentice-Hall book, but you needed to buy the book. Mathworks has offered some individual MATLAB licenses as prizes for occasional contests.
Mathworks has historically (and perhaps might still) offered 8 month or 1 year student licenses, but those had to be paid for.
Some universities have offered students academic licenses under Total Academic Headcount licenses; those might have expiry dates. Someone has to pay for those, such as indirectly through student fees.
MOOC courses might include a time-limited MATLAB for people who pay for the courses.
All student licenses are valid only during the time the student is enrolled at a degree-granting institution (or secondary school.)
Mathworks offers personal license under the Home License program. Those are more expensive than student licenses but much less expensive than commercial licenses. Those licenses may not be used to earn income.
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