MATLAB: Matlab takes in wrong data in command window

.csv fileincorrect data

[fname, pname] = uigetfile('*.csv'); %ask for file
filename= fullfile(pname, fname); %file as string
assert(exist(filename, 'file')==2,'%s does not exist.', filename); %check if file exist
data = csvread(filename, 1) % reads data from file skipping headers
***************************Excel Data***************
(just need to shift values to according heading, they are in order)(there are like 55,000 rows but these are the first couple)
Latitude Longitude Elevation (metres) Distance (KMs) Gradient
30.6183 -96.33631 103.7 0 0
30.61832 -96.33629 103.6 0.003 0
30.61845 -96.3361 102.8 0.026 0
30.61845 -96.33608 102.7 0.028 0
**************************Data from Matlab************************
0.0363 -0.1203 0.1592 2.7105 0
0.0363 -0.1203 0.1595 2.7105 0
0.0363 -0.1203 0.1595 2.7106 0
0.0363 -0.1203 0.1578 2.7106 -0.0010
0.0363 -0.1203 0.1571 2.7107 -0.0020

Best Answer

The data from MATLAB is the same, it's just that when you echo it to the command window, the data is multiplied by 1e-3. If you use fprintf() instead of just letting it automatically echo to the screen, you'll see they are the same (I tried it).