
I was successfully able to convert my code to use the msvc compiler and build it via MATLAB with the command:
mex('-v', '-f', [matlabroot '\bin\win64\mexopts\msvc100engmatopts.bat'],'C:\...\MatFileCreate2.cpp');
What I would like to be able to do now is compile the same way using the ICC compiler that is said to ship with MATLAB.
when I run:
mex -setup
I only see the Visual Studio compiler installed.
Do I need to install icc? Configure it? Where would I find the engmatopts file to compile as a standalone application using icc?
Any help is greatly appreciated

Best Answer

icc does not ship with Matlab. LCC ships with some versions of Matlab. It does not, however, apply to any 64 bit version, as LCC is only a 32 bit compiler.