MATLAB: C++ compiler


I was informed on the 'Answers' forum yesterday that the 64 bit version of MATLAB does not ship with a c/c++ compiler. I am currently using msvc but would like to know if there are any other options for compiling a standalone application to create mat files. I am compiling through the MATLAB command: mex('-v', '-f', [matlabroot'\bin\win64\mexopts\msvc100engmatopts.bat'],'C:\…\MatFileCreate2.cpp');
I know that my engmatopts file would have to be changed to use another compiler, but is there another available anywhere?

Best Answer

You can reference the list of supported compilers for the current release of MATLAB:
The only supported compilers for 64-bit MATLAB on Windows using MATLAB Compiler are the Microsoft Visual C++ compilers.
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