MATLAB: MATLAB generates errors using ‘mupadmex’ and ‘symengine’ when executing bernoulli() commands.


I require the evaluation of certain Bernoulli polynomials for a Rayleigh-Bloch wave project. However, as an example, when I execute:
bernoulli( 0:2:10 ) ;
bernoulli( 1 , pi ) ;
I get this error message as follows:
Error using mupadmex
Internal error with symbolic engine. Quit and restart MATLAB.
Error in symengine
Error in sym (line 185)
Error in sympref>implementedSymprefs (line 142)
y = {'FourierParameters', sym([1,-1]), 'MuPAD', 'sym';...
Error in sympref (line 81)
iSymprefs = implementedSymprefs;
Error in digits (line 15)
r = eval(mupadmex('DIGITS',0));
Error in sym.useSymForNumeric (line 157)
oldDigits = digits(16);
Error in double/bernoulli (line 14)
Y = sym.useSymForNumeric(@bernoulli, varargin{:});
Warning: Failed to initialize symbolic preferences.
> In digits (line 15)
In sym.useSymForNumeric (line 157)
In double/bernoulli (line 14)
Error using mupadmex
Internal error with symbolic engine. Quit and restart MATLAB.
Error in digits (line 15)
r = eval(mupadmex('DIGITS',0));
Error in sym.useSymForNumeric (line 157)
oldDigits = digits(16);
Error in double/bernoulli (line 14)
Y = sym.useSymForNumeric(@bernoulli, varargin{:});
I have reinstalled MATLAB as a first port of call, but executing the same commands afterwards only repeated the same errors. Honestly, I have no idea what any of this error means, nor how I could go about fixing it. What's wrong with it? Better still, how do I fix it?

Best Answer

I managed to solve this problem myself by finding a similar problem on the MATLAB forum here.
Downloading an update will fix this bug. You can find the bug report and update here.