MATLAB: Mupad will not start

mupad startsymbolic engine

I just installed Matlab and the Symbolic Math Toolbox, so I got the latest updates. When I try to start Mupad with the "Mupad" Command, Matlab goes up to 6 GB Memory Usage and nothing happens. After about 5 Minutes, this error is displayed:
*>> mupad Error using mupadmex Internal error with symbolic engine. Quit and restart MATLAB.
Error in sym>symr (line 1321) [S,err] = mupadmex(' ',x,3);
Error in sym>numeric2cellstr (line 1262) S{k} = symr(double(x(k)));
Error in sym>tomupad (line 1219) S = mupadmex(numeric2cellstr(x));
Error in sym (line 211) S.s = tomupad(x);
Error in sympref>implementedSymprefs (line 142) y = {'FourierParameters', sym([1,-1]), 'MuPAD', 'sym';…
Error in sympref (line 81) iSymprefs = implementedSymprefs;
Error in symengine
Error in mupad (line 49) symengine;
Warning: Failed to initialize symbolic preferences. > In symengine In mupad (line 49) Error using mupadmex Internal error with symbolic engine. Quit and restart MATLAB.
Error in symengine
Error in mupad (line 49) symengine;*
I really need to use Mupad ASAP, does anybody know how to solve this problem?