MATLAB: Matlab function

matlab function

when I use the function below:
syms x y z
f = [x*y*z; y; x + z];
v = [x, y, z];
R = jacobian(f, v);
the result is :
R =
[ y*z, x*z, x*y]
[ 0, 1, 0]
[ 1, 0, 1];
However, I want to assign the real number to x y z, for example, x=1 y=2 z=3 , and get the real value of the R.How can I do this?
Thank you very much!

Best Answer

When you say "real value of R", do you mean as opposed to the imaginary part? If so, then use real (R) -- but don't expect the output to change much.
If when you say "real value of R", you are talking about the R that would result for particular values of x, y, and z, then you can subs() values in to R:
subs(R, {x, y}, {11.3, pi/42})
But if you are evaluating repeatedly you might want to use matlabFunction:
Rf = matlabFunction(R, x, y, z);
Then Rf would be a function handle that would accept 3 parameters and return the appropriate matrix.
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