MATLAB: Matlab equality problem. Please help.


Hi, this is my code.
theta(k) = 45
l = x.*cosd(theta(k))+y.*sind(theta(k));
l(1,1) == l(3,3);
x(1,1)*cosd(45)+ y(1,1)*sind(45) == x(3,3)*cosd(45)+ y(3,3)*sind(45);
x(1,1)+ y(1,1)==x(3,3)+ y(3,3);
However, matlab it saying
l(1,1) == l(3,3)
is false,
x(1,1)*cosd(45)+ y(1,1)*sind(45) == x(3,3)*cosd(45)+ y(3,3)*sind(45)
is false, and
x(1,1)+ y(1,1)==x(3,3)+ y(3,3)
is true. I am wondering why because I believe l(1,1) == l(3,3) is true.

Best Answer

You have to learn about floating point numbers, and why you should not test them for equality like that. Always compare the absolute difference against a tolerance, like this:
Start by reading these:
This is worth reading as well:
To see the "real" value download James Tursa's FEX submission:
"I am wondering why because I believe l(1,1) == l(3,3) is true"
If you use num2strExact on both of those values, you will find that they are not the same, and MATLAB's output is correct. That is why you should compare the absolute difference against a tolerance.