MATLAB: How to generate a point cloud based on the set of data I have

3d plotsMATLABpointcloud

So far I have four set of data:
x = [3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3];
y = [-l*sind(0),-l*sind(1),-l*sind(2),-l*sind(3),-l*sind(4),-l*sind(5),-l*sind(6),-l*sind(7)];
z = [l-l*cosd(0),l-l*cosd(1),l-l*cosd(2),l-l*cosd(3),l-l*cosd(4),l-l*cosd(5),l-l*cosd(6),l-l*cosd(7)];
value = [-12.829,-13.591,-16.019,-20.054,-21.29,-22.542,-26.333,-30.121];
Each index of value corresponds to that index of xyz, for example, value[0] corresponds to (x[0],y[0],z[0]).
How do I generate a point cloud based on these data I have?

Best Answer

I don't have that Computer Vision System Toolbox, but try this:
x = [3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3];
y = [-l*sind(0),-l*sind(1),-l*sind(2),-l*sind(3),-l*sind(4),-l*sind(5),-l*sind(6),-l*sind(7)];
z = [l-l*cosd(0),l-l*cosd(1),l-l*cosd(2),l-l*cosd(3),l-l*cosd(4),l-l*cosd(5),l-l*cosd(6),l-l*cosd(7)];
value = [-12.829,-13.591,-16.019,-20.054,-21.29,-22.542,-26.333,-30.121];
ptCloud = pointCloud([x' y' z'],'intensity',value);