MATLAB Parallel Servermlm error license managerunsupported: "matlab" (port_at_host_plus )

Dear support,
After instaling the license manager on ubuntu server, and installing matlab client on Redhat server, I could connect to the server but there were some error.
I noticed every call of matab it asks for activation, I insert the license.dat as described in documentation, but on the License manager server i get this error :
… (MLM) UNSUPPORTED: "MATLAB" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) root@client (No such feature exists. (-5,346)).
Could you please tell me what is the problem?

Best Answer

MATLAB Parallel Server has a different license (aka "feature") line than MATLAB does. So when you are trying to start a worker, it's looking for a MATLAB Parallel Server license line. When you start MATLAB, it's looking for something else entirely.
So your MATLAB client should be getting a MATLAB license from somewhere. If you had a MATLAB license line in your license file, it would have started.
I'd suggest calling technical support to get the licensing sorted out.