MATLAB: Matlab 2018a faulty

brokeninfinite loopMATLABSymbolic Math Toolboxwindows update

After Windows 10 force updated itself to version 1803 MATLAB has been going into infinite loops on code that worked before, code which works on MATLAB Online and code which works in Octave. Here is MATLAB using 15GB of RAM trying to run a script copied and pasted from a Mathworks help page next to the script actually run in no time flat on MATLAB Online:
Yes I have the pertinent toolboxes:
P.S. I just finished reinstalling MATLAB and the issue persists

Best Answer

One possibility is that you need to update MATLAB. In the ‘Environment’ section of the top toolstrip, click on ‘Add-Ons’ —> ‘Check for Updates’ —> ‘Products’. If there is an update (and I suspect there will be), there will be a pop--up window asking if you want to update. Click on ‘Yes’ and find something else to do for a while.
You may also need to do the steps in "syms", "sym", and "mupad" functions cause MATLAB to freeze (link).
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