MATLAB: Matlab 2017b plotting error.


I can't plot anything. My error is:
No appropriate method, property, or field 'Type' for class ''.
Error in newplot>ObserveAxesNextPlot (line 134)
if ~strcmp(fig.Type,'figure')
Error in newplot (line 89)
ax = ObserveAxesNextPlot(ax, hsave);
Error in blabla (line 11)
Help me, please.

Best Answer

This is not the expected behavior. It is strange, that the parent of the axes is a and not a figure or uipanel. This should never happen. So I ask the standard questions:
  • Did it work any time before?
  • What did you change since it worked?
  • Did you shadow any built-in functions, e.g. figure, axes etc.? If so, don't do this. Add folders with user defined function at the bottom of the path only, never on top where they can shadow built-in function and cause a strange behavior.
  • Is this a fresh install of Matlab? Which version and which OS?