MATLAB: Mat2str() on complex values with 0 inaginary part

0+0icomplex imaginary 0mat2strMATLABzero imaginary

Tried mat2str(complex(5,6)) witch seems ok:
ans =
But other complex values with imaginary part 0 or 0+0i are printed as real values:
ans =
Seems incorect to me, is this a bug ?

Best Answer

Mathematically 5 is the same as 5+0i, so the output is correct.
So omitting the imaginary part is a question of taste.
If you want to display it, do this expliticitly:
x = 1 + 2i;
sprintf('%g %gi', real(x), imag(x))
Alternatively you can copy the code of mat2str to e.g. mat2stri anywhere in your user-defined folders in the path and remove the line:
imagStr(imagVal == 0) = "";