MATLAB: Changing real part of complex number


I have an array of compelx numbers. I'd like to change the real part of the 34th array member to zero. This code doesn't work:
real( my_complex_array(34) ) = 0;
What's the solution?

Best Answer

X = (1:35)' * (1+1i); % not being very creative here
Now, there are lots of ways to just kill the real part of only the 34'th element. This will work:
X(34) = X(34) - real(X(34));
Perhaps simpler, because it will not require the subtraction.
X(34) = 1i*imag(X(34));
X(34) = 0 + 1i*imag(X(34));
Another one, using complex.
X(34) = complex(0,imag(X(34));
In any event, did it work?
ans =
33 + 33i
0 + 34i
35 + 35i
Of course it did.
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