MATLAB: Masking 3 dead pixels on a camera

dead pixelsimage processing

Hello. I am working on a robotic project with a camera to capture images of blue,red,green LEDs. Apparently, the camera has 3 dead pixels. When there is no LED present, using the code below, camera detects three pixels (one red one blue one green) which are the dead pixels on the camera. I was wondering how I could mask these 3 pixels. Here is the output: [rrpts crpts rgpts_t cgpts_t rbpts cbpts] = [367 537 616 888 582 350] in which each consecutive pair is a x-y location of each dead pixel (they are the pairs I want to mask). My code is also shown below. Thank you.
Clear all
Close all;
Global rthr gthr bthr
rthr = 60;
bthr = 60;
gthr = 60;
vid = videoinput('dcam');
vid.ReturnedColorSpace ='bayer';
vid.BayerSensorAlignment ='rggb';
vid.ROIPosition = [60 40 960 720];
vid.FramesPerTrigger = 1;
% vid.TriggerRepeat = Inf;
src = getselectedsource(vid);
src.Gain = 500;
[img time] = getdata(vid);
[rrpts crpts rgpts_t cgpts_t rbpts cbpts] = gsearch_rgb(img)
figure (1)

Best Answer

I'd take those locations and get the mean in a 3x3 window around them and replace them with the mean. Like
subImage = redChannel(crpts-1: crpts+1, rrpts -1 : rrpts + 1);
meanRed = mean2(subImage);
redChannel(crpts, rrpts) = uint8(meanRed);
Same for the other color channels. And make sure they're x-y locations, because that's what I assumed because that's what you said, and not row-column locations in which case you'll need to swap the indexes.
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