MATLAB: How to store in a for loop

for looploopsave

I have a data that consist of 274×64 data that is double.
I want to make a loop that saves the data per 4 columns so I don't have to write the code like this.
CPT1 = [Data(:,1) Data(:,2) Data(:,3) Data(:,4)];
CPT2 = [Data(:,5) Data(:,6) Data(:,7) Data(:,8)];
CPT3 = [Data(:,9) Data(:,10) Data(:,11) Data(:,12)];
CPT4 = [Data(:,13) Data(:,14) Data(:,15) Data(:,16)];
This is what I've been trying:
CPT = cell(16,1);
for j=0:4:columns/4-4
for i=1:4
CPT() = [Data(:,i+j) Data(:,i+1+j) Data(:,i+2+j) Data(:,i+3+j)];
But I don't know how to make i save them as 16 individual "CPT" What do I do?
Best Regards

Best Answer

ncol = size(Data,2);
ngroups = ncol/4;
CPT = cell(groups, 1);
for K = 1 : groups
CPT{K} = Data(:, (K-1)*4+[0 1 2 3]);
CPT = mat2cell(Data, size(Data,1), 4 * ones(1, size(Data,2)/4) );