MATLAB: Mapping indices of matrices with differing dimension


This seems simple, but I cannot find an answer to my specific question. Take the matrices below:
x = [5 3 7 0 1];
y = [1 3 3 1; 2 2 2 2; 3 5 5 3; 1 3 3 1];
I'd like to create a new matrix 'z' that takes each element of 'y' and pulls the value of 'x' using the 'y' value as an index of 'x':
z = [5 7 7 5; 3 3 3 3; 7 1 1 7; 5 7 7 5];
Kind of like x(y) but for matrices of differing dimension.
My real question is whether this can be done without a for loop, since I'm new to MATLAB and not as familiar with matrix manipulation as I could be.

Best Answer

Well have you try x(y)? It will give you exactly your desired z.
Note that the rule of A(B) indexing is that it is the same shape as B unless both A and B are vectors (in which case, absurdly, it is the same shape as A).