MATLAB: Maple piecewise to MATLAB

maple to matlabpiecewise

I am learning Matlab and stumble on this. I have an expression in Maple and trying to write it in Matlab but my basic knowledge plus some search went down the drain. So, I am here seeking some help.
In Maple: result:= (tb,t,tr,i)->piecewise(t<=tb,0 ,tb<t and t<=tb+tr, i*t, t>tb+tr and t<=500, 100, t>500,t-100);
In simple terms:
tb >= t then 0
tb < t <= tb+tr then i*t
tb+tr < t <= 500 then 100
500 < t then t-100
Now, t varies from 1 to 100 with 100 points. [ linspace(1,100,100]
What would be the equivalent of this expression in Matlab?
Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

function y = resultmatlab(t,tb,tr,ii)
p = t(:);
y = zeros(size(p));
t1 = p<=tb; y(t1) = 0;
t2 = p > tb & p <= tb + tr; y(t2) = ii*p(t2);
t3 = p>tb+tr & p<=500; y(t3) = 500;
t4 = ~(t1|t2|t3); y(t4) = p(t4)-500;
y = reshape(y,size(t));
use (Command window)
>> y = resultmatlab(1:100,20,40,100)