MATLAB: Manipulating arrays within a cell array

cell array

I have a cell array, A_C which has 401 cells (1×401) each with arrays of varying sizes, but same dimensionality. I'm trying to divide each element within an array by the number of elements within that array. And then replace the array with the new one.
So for example, the array A(1,2) = 1×101, I want to divide each element within this array by 101, B = A(1,2)/101 and then I want to replace the array at A(1,2) by B.

Best Answer

% Create some test data: (your code)
dxs = 0:5e-06:0.002;
nCell = length(dxs);
xs = cell(1, nCell); % Pre-allocate!!!

for k = 1:nCell
xs{k} = 0:dxs(k):5e-04;
% Divide each cell by its length:
B = cell(size(xs)); % Pre-allocate!!!
for k = 1:nCell
B{k} = xs{k} / length(xs{k});
Simple with a loop, isn't it? I find "nCell" nicer than "num_cells_dxs" and avoid "l" as variable, because it is confused with 1 easily.
I assume the cellfun is nicer, but slower:
B = cellfun(@(c) c / length(c), xs, 'UniformOutput', false)