MATLAB: M-FSK Modulator Passband

communications blocksetfskfsk modulator passband

I found a "M-FSK Modulator Passband" at the Website frome the University of Florida.
It is stated there as sub-Library from the Communication Blockset. But I can't find it in the Communication Blockset.
Is a "M-FSK Modulator Passband" part of a new realse of the Communication Blockset?

Best Answer

The M-FSK Modulator Passband block hasn't been around since R14 - check out the Release Notes.
You can use the M-FSK Modulator Baseband and M-FSK Demodulator Baseband blocks in conjunction with upconversion and downconversion blocks to model a passband M-FSK system. See the following demo: >> commpassbandmod