MATLAB: Loop erasing random walk

for loopMATLABrandomvectorizing

Hi, I'm trying to find a fast way to detect loops in a vector. By loop I mean repetition of an integer and by loop erasing remove all integers between two occurrence of any integer For instance,
v=[3 1 4 6 7 9 1 22 87 33 35 36 37 35 34] should be equal to [3 1 22 87 33 35 34]
basically these are the nodes that I'm visiting in a graph and there may be loops. I just want to obtain a simple path (without loops). I found solutions but require "for" loops and I need this to be performant since it will be applied to every walk (100'000 walk of length up to 2'000 ). If anyone could help it will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

V = v(:);
[a b n] = unique(V,'first');
[~, bl, nl] = unique(V,'last');
v1 = [b bl];
v1(abs(diff(v1,[],2)) < 100*eps,:) = [];
vv = min(v1(:)):max(v1(:));
idx = arrayfun(@(x)vv(vv>=v1(x,1) & vv<v1(x,2)),1:size(v1,1),'un',0);
V([idx{:}]) = []
removed typo