MATLAB: Long initializing time when using the Robotics System Toolbox

initializing timeRobotics System Toolboxrossimulink

When I use blocks from the Robotics System Toolbox, such as ROS Publish or subscription blocks, the initialization time is approximately 30 seconds in the simplest model (subscribe -> Bus Selector -> Display). Everything else is very fast.
A friend of mine has a non-measurable initialization time on a weaker computer. I use Matlab R2017a and the ROS Indigo Gazebo VM on a laptop with an Intel Core i7-6500U with 16 GB of RAM.
Is there anything I can do to make it faster.
Thank you for your help and happy Easter! Benedict

Best Answer

Hi Benedict,
There was a bug with rosinit initialization times in R2017a, specifically for Windows 10 machines (is that what you're using?).
This bug report has been released externally, so you can download a patch to get it fixed:
- Sebastian
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