MATLAB: Loading txt data using textscan


Hi i'm trying to load some data from a text file from line 137 to 147. the data contains the year and the anomalies values. I tried using this codes but i keep getting these errors:
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in anomalies (line 6)
A = cell2mat(data_anomalies(137:147,2:13)); % raw (not interpolated/filled)

& my data_anomalies contains the value "14×1 double".
% Load the data
fileID = fopen('../pdata/GISS_NH_temp_anomalies.txt','r','n');
data_anomalies = textscan(fileID,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f','Delimiter','/t','HeaderLines',136);
% Extract the specific data required
A = cell2mat(data_anomalies(137:147,2:13)); % raw (not interpolated/filled)
% Datenum: point in time as the number of days from January 0, 0000
Date = datenum(cell2mat(data_anomalies(:,1)));

Best Answer

You ask for 136 headerlines. That is 136 lines that will be skipped and not created in the output data. There are only 14 lines left of the 150 in the file, so you cannot index 137 on wards.