MATLAB: Loading EEG files in a loop

importing filesloop

Hi, I need to load EEG files in a .set format (amond other files in a folder). They should have specific names by subject numbers (here I've only included a couple for an example). I've made the following loop, it works by loading every file, but only the last file stays since it overwrites the previous ones. I would really appreciate your help.
pathforsetfiles = fullfile(direc,'YYY')
list ={'04','05'}
for counter = 1 : length(list)
inp = list{counter}
subj = strcat(['XXX' inp '.set'])
EEG = pop_loadset(subj, pathforsetfiles)

Best Answer

pathforsetfiles = fullfile(direc,'YYY')
list ={'04','05'}
for counter = 1 : length(list)
inp{counter} = list{counter}
subj{counter} = strcat(['XXX' inp '.set'])
EEG{counter} = pop_loadset(subj, pathforsetfiles)
(for more info, search existing answers)