MATLAB: Load some data.mat placed in different folders in loop

dirloopMATLABpathnameuiuser interface

here is the code i use to change the current folder
[pathname] = uigetdir('D:\folder1');
files = dir( fullfile(pathname,'*.mat') ); % list all *.mat files
files = {}'; %# file names
then i load the different data.mat in loop by creating separate workspace variable and perform my task on these data and get result. my problem is i have fixed task to be performed on data placed in different folders so i changes folder manually by changing path each time. for example to perform my task on data placed in 'D:/folder2' i have to change it each time and run the program.
is there a way to change current folder in loop and get all result (plot of result) at once.
since i cant place all data in a single folder

Best Answer

Try something like this
folder_list = {'d:\folder1','d:\folder2','d:\folder3'};
for jj = 1 : length( folder_list )
pathname = folder_list{jj};
cd( pathname );
files = dir( fullfile( pathname, '*.mat' ) );
or there might be a cheaper way, e.g. with dir, to set folder_list.