MATLAB: List dialog – Prompt text overlapp

list dialogmatlab gui

I am trying to create a list dialog that accept a user input. I find that the prompt text doesn't display well and is overlapped with list. How to increase spacing between prompt text and list?
prompt = 'Select synchronization type for code generation (default=Trigg Mode)';
fn = {'Trigg Mode', 'SetAO Mode'};
[syncMode,tf] = listdlg('PromptString',prompt,'SelectionMode','single', ...
'ListString',fn,'ListSize',[200,100],'OKString','Select', 'Name','Select Sync Mode');
Changing 'ListSize' parameter only increases overall size of the window and doesn't solve the problem.

Best Answer

"If you specify the prompt as a character vector that is longer than the width of the dialog box, the prompt clips. To create a multiline list box prompt, specify the prompt as a cell array or string array. Line breaks occur between each array element. Long elements wrap to fit the dialog box."
Try this
prompt = ["Select synchronization type for code","generation (default=Trigg Mode)"];
fn = {'Trigg Mode', 'SetAO Mode'};
[syncMode,tf] = listdlg('PromptString',prompt,'SelectionMode','single', ...
'ListString',fn,'ListSize',[200,100],'OKString','Select', 'Name','Select Sync Mode');