MATLAB: Put workspace data into menu and prompt someone to select it


How do I numeric prompt the user to select which data that must be displayed from an excel file?

Best Answer

Inorder to prompt user to select data from excel sheet.
  • First load the data from excel sheet into workspace, inorder to achieve this use function like readtable, readmatrix, readcell
  • In order to prompt user to select data, use listdlg function which create a list selection dialogue box. listdlg function only takes strings so convert the numeric data into string format using string function
As an example
data=readtable('mydata.xlsx'); % contains date, day, temperature
% is you want user to select temperature then convert temperature values into string datatype
temperature = string(data.temperature);
[indx,tf] = listdlg('ListString',temperature); %prompts user to select data