MATLAB: Linear ODE as a constraint within an milp problem


Good Morning,
I have a syntax question regarding a milp problem that I would like to solve with intlinprog function:
My objective function that I would like to minimize is f = 2 x1 + 3 x2 where x1 and x2 are binary variables.
y01 = 5 x1 & y02 = 5 x2
where y01 and y02 are the initial conditions used to solve following first order linear ODE system:
dy1/dl = -a0 & dy2/dl = b0
y1 and y2 over whole interval L are calculated by iterational solving of the ODE system using ODE45 (since the parameters a0 and b0 are different on each small interval)
Now I have a constraint which is C sum(y1) + D sum(y2) < 100.
Following documentation it is easy to define the objective function and the binary variables:
However now I have no idea how to integrate the solving of the ODE routine into the constraint expression.
Can you give some hint?

Best Answer

Well, I take it that a0, b0, C and D are known constants, so the ODEs have trivial analytical solutions
and so the constraint reduces to a simple linear inequality
C*(5*N*x1-a0*sum(l)) + D*(5*N*x2+b0*sum(l))<=100