MATLAB: How to rearrange the output variables for matlabFunction()

matlab functionsortsymbolicvariables

I made a Jacobian with jacobian() and then turned it into a function with the matlabFunction(), but matlab rearranges the variables (in alpha numeric order). For example, it took a matrix of variables and put the tenth and eleventh row before the first row because a10_1,…a10_11 goes before a1_1 AND then within those variables it put the a10_10 and a10_11 after a11_1 … a11_9. This is annoying because I now have to disect the matricies of data I will throw into the function and creates room for a subtle error. Is there a way to turn off the sort capability in matlabFunction()? docs lead me to sympref() and a couple name-value pairs of matlabFunction() but neither looked like they could rearrange the variables. This is in R2019a.
syms x [N 1]
syms u [N 1]
syms a [N N]
dX(:,1) = x.*(u+a*x);
J = matlabFunction(jacobian(dX(:,1),x))
J =
function_handle with value:
% ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

Best Answer

I can’t run the code you posted, since it generates significant errors about matrix size multiplication.
However, a simple example demonstrates how to order the arguments:
syms a b c d x1 x2 x3 x4
e = a*x1+b*x2+c*x3+d*x4;
E = matlabFunction(e, 'Vars',{[x1 x2 x3 x4],c a b d})
E =
function_handle with value:
So the arguments are ordered in the sequence requested, and the parameters are grouped together as ‘in1’ in a separate parameter vector, in the event you need to do that.