MATLAB: Last few characters of a string

sscanf strfind

I have directories with filenames that are long string of digits. For example I would like to select my file based on the last four digits of the file ( I manually provide the needed digits to check) So I will code in if last four digits =8250 then Neededfile= I got the list but I don't know how to check for the last four digits? I looked in sscanf, strfind but I could not figure out the appropriate use.
% code
dirarray = dir(datapath); for i=1:numel(dirarray) dd = dirarray(i); HELP NEEDED HERE disp('found file'); end end

Best Answer

Either consider the filter at obtaining the files already:
DirList = dir(fullfile(datapath, '*8250'))
Or use FEX: strncmpr (fast, but you need to compile the C code):
DirList = dir(fullfile(datapath, '*'));
NameList = {};
Match = NameList(strncmpr(NameList, '8250', 4));
Or use a regular expression:
index = ~cellfun('isempty', regexp(NameList, '8250$'));
Match = NameList(index)