MATLAB: Labels to a stacked bar


I am trying to add labels for a stacked bar and need to help. I managed to add label to each part of the stack but unable to add at the total level (circled in red).

Best Answer

Here's a demo.
% Create stacked bar plot
x = randi(3,20,5);
h = bar(x,'stacked');
% Get the (x,y) coordinates for the top of each bar stack
y = sum(reshape(cell2mat(get(h', 'YData')),size(h,2),[]),1);
x = unique(cell2mat(get(h', 'XData')),'stable')
% Define labels
labels = num2cell(char(((1:size(x,1))+64)'))'; % 'A' 'B' 'C' ...
% Plot the text labels
offset = range(ylim)*.01;
th = text(x,y+offset,labels,'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
If you don't want to rotate the text labels,
th = text(x,y,string(y'),'HorizontalAlignment','Center',...
For bar plots that are stacked and grouped, see this answer.