MATLAB: Labeling a stacked bar


I am trying to lable a stacked bar. Somehow I am unable to get it. Given below are my codes. I tried the below two options but it did not work.
The error i get is 'Error using text. Value must be a column or row vector.'
Option one:
Option 2:

Best Answer

The following example might help you:
x = [1 2 3];
vals = [2 3 6; 11 23 26];
b = bar(x,vals);
xtips1 = b(1).XEndPoints;
ytips1 = b(1).YEndPoints;
labels1 = string(b(1).YData);
xtips2 = b(2).XEndPoints;
ytips2 = b(2).YEndPoints;
labels2 = string(b(2).YData);