MATLAB: Labeling bar charts with over 15 categories

barcategory labelsMATLAB

I'm generating a simple bar-chart with category names on the x-axis. All seems to work fine when the number of categories is 15 or less. For 16 (or more) categories, the chart plots OK but the x-axis labels are not right. I'm using MatLab 2015b.
% Set number of categories.
num_categories = 16;
% Create data.
values = rand(1,num_categories);
% Create category names.
symbols = ['a':'z'];
string_length = 5;
for i = 1:num_categories
nums = randi(numel(symbols),[1 string_length]);
category_name(i) = cellstr(symbols(nums));
% Plot bar-chart.

Best Answer

Your code uses the former ticks. Just add the following to define ticks that match the number of bars/categories and the default position of the bars: