MATLAB: Issues with Simulink Report Generator in R2017b

formatgeneratoroverlapreportSimulink Report Generatorstringstable

The generated reports using the default options in R2017b have overlapping strings, or strings that run out of the page. Generally the formatting is not what one would expect. This did not happen in R2017a.

Best Answer

The issue appears only in the "Acrobat (PDF)" file format. Here is a workaround in R2017b that will produce the same formatting as R2017a:
1) Launch model
2) File > Reports > System Design Description
3) In the dialog, change the "File format" to either "Direct PDF (from template)" or "PDF (from World template)"
4) Click Generate
If the column width of tables is not automatically adjusted, the default template may be edited as follows:
1) File > Reports > System Design Description > Customize Content
2) Copy the "Default PDF Template" as shown in this link under section "Copy the Template"
3) After completing step 6 in the aforementioned section, in the same pane, click "Open style sheet"
4) In the "root.css" that opens, search for the first instance of "table.rgUnruledTable" and edit so that it appears as follows:
table.rgUnruledTable {
margin-top : 10pt;
margin-bottom : 10pt;
Width: 100%;
After this edit, all tables should have the desired format.