MATLAB: Isn’t the entire figure visible, after being pasted into another program


Why isn't the entire figure visible, after being pasted into another program?
I've created a figure, set its PaperPosition property to 'auto', and selected Copy Figure from the figure's Edit Menu. After I paste the figure into another program, the visible portion of the figure only contains part of the axes' X label.

Best Answer

This is a bug in MATLAB 6.0 (R12). Our development staff has been notified and is currently looking into addressing this problem in a future release.
Currently, the only known workaround is to use Microsoft Word. If the entire figure was copied and pasted; it isn't being displayed properly in Word because the bounding box wasn't selected properly. It isn't known if other programs will still contain all of the figure's data, making it possible to recover the original image by resizing the bounding box.
This workaround describes the procedure in Word 2000. Similar options should be available for Word 97. In Word, you will need to change the bounding box of the picture through the Edit Picture mode:
1. Right click on the picture and select Edit Picture.
2. This will open the picture in another document window, and there will also be an 'Edit Picture' toolbar available. It has a 'Reset Picture Boundary' button that will automatically resize the bounding box. This will make the entire picture visible in the first Word document.
3. You could also change the margins through File -> Page Setup, when in Edit Picture mode, which has the same effect.