MATLAB: Artificial/simulated key press

artificial key pressedit boxMATLABselect allsimulated key press

I'm trying to make a work-around for the problem of not being able to automatically select all text in an edit box when selecting the box. The solution of pressing "ctrl+a" just isn't efficient enough.
So, what I'm wondering is the following: Is there a way for MatLab to simulate a key-press – an artificial key press – so that i can execute a "ctrl+a" on selecting the edit box?
The goal is to make the edit box work as a "normal", select-all-on-press edit box.
If you have informations regarding if this is or isn't possible, please reply. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Thank you! I followed the link, and and ended up solving it with the following code. This is a callback function for ButtonDownFcn in the edit box. Selects all text on a left-click of the mouse.
%Initialize the java engine
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
%Create a Robot-object to do the key-pressing
%Commands for pressing keys:
% If the text cursor isn't in the edit box allready, then it
% needs to be placed there for ctrl+a to select the text.
% Therefore, we make sure the cursor is in the edit box by
% forcing a mouse button press:
rob.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK );
rob.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK );
Thanks again!
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