MATLAB: Is this code saying i have a wave at 2 KHz and 6Khz?


freq_HZ = 2000; % Define the frequency in Hertz
freq_RPS = 2*pi*freq_HZ; % Compute the frequency in rad/sec
t = 0:1/8000:5; % Define the time vector
y = sin(freq_RPS * t);
f = (0:length(y)-1)*8000/length(y);

Best Answer

For real only time signals, the FFT is only meaningful up to fs/2 where fs is the sampling frequency.
For real only time signals the 2nd half of the FFT is just a mirror.
Since you are defining the time vector with
t = 0:1/8000:5;
the sampling frequency you are using is the inverse of the time step
Just use the FFT up to 4kHz plotting the lower half of frequencies
would you please be so kind to mark my answer as accepted?
John BG