MATLAB: Is there the more elegant way to do this

evalevalinlist of variablesmetapitfall

I have 10 matrices(10*24 size each) named A1,A2,,,,A10.Now i want this
till E10=sum(A10);
thus E1,E2,,,,,E10 each matrices size of 1*24 . so there is another way to write in short code ?

Best Answer

Hi Mukesh Kumar
Elegance like beauty lives in the eyes of the observer, so while some people abhor the command evalin, I consider it's a really powerful and elegant option to simplify the generation of variables.
Simulating data
A1=randi([-10 10],3)
A1 =
-2 4 -10
3 -10 -8
-7 -5 7
>> A2=randi([-10 10],3)
A2 =
4 -10 6
-4 -1 6
9 -2 -7
>> A3=randi([-10 10],3)
A3 =
0 4 4
-1 5 3
3 -5 -7
2. Code that writes code
for k=1:1:3
str1=['E' num2str(k) '=sum(A' num2str(k) ')'];
E1 =
-6 -11 -11
E2 =
9 -13 5
E3 =
2 4 0
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