MATLAB: How to access the variables in base workspace in GUI


Hello there,
I'm working on a GUI that needs to access some variables in base workspace. I want to find all the variables that start with 'signal_' in base workspace, so my code is:
all_signals=who('signal_*'); % find all the variables that start with 'signal_' and the output is a cell
But the problem is that GUI has its own workspace and cannot access the variables in base. I've tried evalin, which I know is not recommended, and I got this error: Undefined function or method 'evalin' for input arguments of type 'cell'
And then I tried char(), but the output is just character.
So is there any other idea how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

This might work,
evalin('base','temp = who(''signal_*'',''base'');assignin(''caller'',''all_signals'',temp)');
Hope that helps,