MATLAB: Is there any additional help available for the Dials and Gauges Blockset 1.1.3 (R13SP1)

activexanddatatypesdialsgaugesGauges Blocksethelp

I am using the Dials and Gauges Blockset, but I am having trouble finding help for the blocks.

Best Answer

There is a good help resource for Dials and Gauges Blockset 1.1.3 (R13SP1) that can be accessed using the following procedure:
1) Type 'dnglib' at the MATLAB command prompt to open up the library.
2) Double click on 'Global Majic ActiveX Library'
3) Double click on the sub-library that you want to access
4) Double click on the 'Help' icon to open the Blockset help in the Windows Help Browser.
The documentation here is comprehensive, although the MATLAB interface is not explicitly specified. The MATLAB COM interface can be used to access the methods and properties; for more information, see the links from the following page:
These functions can be used to change the properties of the ActiveX object without using the dialog box, and can be used to get an idea of the datatypes required by MATLAB/Simulink.