MATLAB: Do Buttons and Switches blocks from the Dials and Gauges Blockset 1.1.3 (R13SP1) not work when controlled by top-level ActiveX control Blocks

activexcontroldialsgaugesGauges Blockset

Why do Control Blocks from the Dials and Gauges Blockset 1.1.3 (R13SP1) not work when controlled by top-level ActiveX control Blocks?
I have a Simulink model that contains some blocks from the Buttons and Switches Library of the Dials and Gauges Blockset in a Subsystem. These blocks are designed as control blocks through a top-level ActiveX Control block. When I simulate the model and try to use a control block by double-clicking on it, nothing happens. The expected behavior is that the top-level ActiveX Control block would respond to the button push.

Best Answer

This is a limitation of the Dials and Gauges Blockset 1.1.3 (R13SP1). Blocks from the Buttons and Switches Library can not be used from a Subsystem to control blocks elsewhere in the model through an ActiveX Control Block. You can still use other blocks from the Dials and Gauges Blockset to link to a top-level ActiveX Control block.