MATLAB: Is there an error in the base address field of the Diamond Emerald-MM8 Serial block parameters dialog in xPC Target 2.5 (R14)

addressbasediamondemerald-mm8serialSimulink Real-Timexpclib

I have a Diamond Emerald-MM8 Serial block in my model. When I open the block parameters dialog and try to change the base address to 0x300, there is only a 0c300 choice. Is this an error in the pulldown menu text?

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there is a bug in xPC Target 2.5 (R14) in the way that the Diamond Emerald-MM8 Serial block properties dialog displays certain base address options.
To work around this issue, you can manually edit the mask parameters. Here are the required steps:
1. Load xpclib (right-click on xPC Target in the Simulink Library Browser and choose "Open the xPC Target library").
2. In the Library Browser, choose Edit -> Unlock Library.
3. Open RS232 -> Diamond -> Emerald-MM8 -> Diamond Emerald-MM8 Serial.
4. Right-click on the Serial block and select "Edit Mask".
5. Go to the Parameters tab and select "Base address".
6. From the lower left hand menu, replace the 0c300 with 0x300.
7. Save and close the block.