MATLAB: Am I unable to build using Real-Time Workshop 4.1 (12.1PV1) and later in a Japanese directory

builddirectoryerrorjapaneser12.1pv1_swatrealrtwsimulink codertimeworkshop

I tried to build using Real-Time Workshop 4.1 (12.1PV1) in a Japanese directory. I received two errors:
1. Build Error —
cdName is nonexistent or not a directory.
2. Model Error —
Error opening the Real-Time Workshop page of the simulation parameter dialog
for block diagram '%s'. MATLAB error message:\n%s.". This error's ID is: SL_BdSimParamRTWPageMATLABErr
To reproduce this problem:
(1) Create a Japanese directory.
(2) Copy f14.mdl into the Japanese directory. (This is a demo model which ships with Simulink and is typically located at $MATLABROOT\toolbox\simulink\simdemos\aerospace\f14.mdl
(3) Open f14 under the Japanese directory.
(4) Click Tools/Real-Time Workshop/Options…. On the GUI which appears, select
the Solver pane. Then go to "Solver options" panel to set "Types:" as Fixed-step.
(5) Build model (Ctrl-B).

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This has been verified as a bug in Real-Time Workshop 4.1 (12.1PV1) and later in the way that Real-Time Workshop handles Japanese directories.
There are currently no known workarounds.