MATLAB: Is there a workaround in the Polyspace tool to avoid justified checks from showing up again

orange checksPolyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Server

In Polyspace, after the verification run, we go and justify some checks, especially the orange ones, according to our understanding if they aren't real checks.
So, is there a way to not see them again in the next run?

Best Answer

Since you have justified the checks, I suggest you to activate filters to hide them. If you have used the Classification "Not a defect" for instance, in the Results Summary view you could activate the filter on the column Classification and choose to hide all the checks classified "Not a defect".
More information on the filters here:
For the next verifications of the same project, the justifications and comments will be automatically imported in the new results folder (or in the same folder if you choosed to use it again).
You can also annotate the code so the checks are automatically justified and commented :
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