MATLAB: Subplot Titles left justified


I want to create some left justified subplot title as in this picture:
I know how to get subplot titles:
title('A No Depression')
But moving the title all the way to the corner then adding some descriptors of a different font size are confusing me a bit. Any help? Thanks!

Best Answer

Prior to Matlab r2020b
  1. Set the title's units to Normalize
  2. Move the title leftward
  3. Set the title's HorizontalAlignment to Left.
ttl = title('Input firing rates');
ttl.Units = 'Normalize';
ttl.Position(1) = 0; % use negative values (ie, -0.1) to move further left
ttl.HorizontalAlignment = 'left';
Matlab r2020b or later
Set the TitleHorizontalAlignment propery of the axes. See more info in this Community Highlight.
ax = axes();
title('Input firing rates');
ax.TitleHorizontalAlignment = 'left';