MATLAB: Is there a way to make the label of a “Edit Field” in an app generated by AppDesigner to use LaTeX as an interpreter


Is there a way to make the label of a "Edit Field" in an app generated by AppDesigner to use LaTeX as an interpreter?

Best Answer

As of MATLAB R2018b, there is no "interpreter" property for labels for the "Edit Field" component in AppDesigner. However you can use the following two workarounds:
1. You could generate the formatted text elsewhere and copy and paste it into the label field. Try it with this: β
2. You can also use the "char" command to create special characters. This will create the same string for the "Edit Field" label:
app.EditFieldLabel.Text = char(946);
Here "app.EditFieldLabel" corresponds to the label of the "Edit Field" component in the app and "946" is the unicode value for representing " β ". You can put the above command inside the "startup.m" function of the app so that the label gets set when the app is run.