MATLAB: How to disable Edit Field (Text) in App Designer


I would like to know how to set "Edit Field (Text)" disable to edit in App Designer. I want to change the editable status able/disable via Switch On/Off.

Best Answer

Here is an example to show how to control Editable about "Edit Field (Text)".
function SwitchValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.Switch.Value;
if ( strcmpi(value,'On') )
app.VelocityEditField.Enable = 'On'
app.TemperatureEditField.Editable = 'On'
% app.LoadEditField.Editable = 'On'
app.VelocityEditField.Enable = 'Off'
*app.TemperatureEditField.Editable = 'Off'*
% app.LoadEditField.Editable = 'Off'
This is the captured image to show the result of the above example. It is set so that editing is not possible at Temperature where Editable is off.