MATLAB: Is there a way to add synchronize function to Matlab 2016a

interpolationMATLABsynchronizetabletime series

I have two tables thet contain 2 columns each (time stamp & measured value). I would like to synchronize them both into one table that has 3 columns (time stamp & measured value1, measured value2) and have NaN value in the rows where either of measured value1 or measured value2 is missing for that time step.
I found the function synchronize ( which seems to be perfect for the job but I have Matlab 2016a and it says that "Undefined function 'synchronize' for input arguments of type 'table'.".
Is there a way to added this function to Matlab 2016a or is there another way to perform this functionality in Matlab 2016a?

Best Answer

As Adam Danz said, this function was released in release R2016b. It also only works on timetable arrays, not table arrays, as you can see from the description of the TT1 and TT2 input arguments. Compare this to a function like innerjoin, whose Tleft and Tright inputs can be either table or timetable arrays.
While you could theoretically write your own synchronize function like Adam suggested, a much easier alternative would be to upgrade to release R2016b or later if possible and then store your time-based data as a timetable (the timetable function was introduced in R2016b.)
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