MATLAB: Is there a function like cat in MATLAB that can be used to concatenate two files into a third file


Is there a function like "cat" in MATLAB that can be used to concatenate two files into a third file?

Best Answer

There is no builtin MATLAB command like the "cat" utility command that will concatenate files into a new one. However, you can use the "system" function in MATLAB to execute operating system commands, such as "cat". For example, to concatenate two TXT files into a third one in MATLAB, the following code snippet using the "system" function will work:
>> command = 'cat test1.txt test2.txt > test3.txt';
>> status = system(command);
The above code snippet executes the command to concatenate the first two files into a new file. For more information about how to use the system function in MATLAB, please view the documentation page linked below: