MATLAB: Is the transmitter power for a ‘txsite’ object expressed as the single antenna element or an overall array transmitting power

Phased Array System Toolbox

In the phased array toolbox where the 'txsite' object is defined, does the transmitter power refer to as the single antenna element or defined as an overall array transmitting power?

Best Answer

The transmitter power is defined in the 'TransmitterPower' property of the TXSITE object, and this represents the total power in Watts that feeds the antenna or antenna array.
The transmitter power is used to calculate received power at a receiver by applying the Friis transmission equation.
When applying this equation, the gains associated with the transmitter and receiver antennas are calculated using the 'pattern' function, which is defined on both antenna elements and arrays.
For more information on 'pattern', please refer to the following documentation: